Welcome to Jason's WWW Home Page!!!!

Hi, my name is Jason and welcome to my home page. While surfing the Information Superhighway, I have discovered that there are many interesting and fun things to do on the World Wide Web. The links found below are my contribution to the Web. Enjoy.

Cool Links

  1. Cool Site of the Day
  2. Yahoo
  3. Lycos
  4. Netscape Homepage
  5. MTV

A Little About Myself

None of your beeswax. But, here's a picture of me and my computer: me&comp.jpg (1.03Meg). Here's a picture of just my computer: computer.jpg (1.48Meg). Isn't she a beauty?

My family

Here's my dad and his car: dad.jpg (762K)
My mom and stepdad and their car: mom.jpg (508K)
My sister and her best friend's car: sister.jpg (912K)
Gramps and Gram and their tractor: grandp.jpg (398K)
My dog, Butch, and his favorite chew toy, Mr. Bone: butch.jpg (624K)

My Friends

I spend so much time on the WWW, I have little time to make friends. However, I do have a few. Below are some pictures I have of them.

My favorite CD's

Since everyone else on the World Wide Web has a list of their favorite CDs, I figured I could have one too. So, without further ado, here they are.


Thanks for visiting my web page. I worked very hard on it and had lots of fun putting it together. I hope you enjoyed your stay.